
An AW24 sto­ry cap­tur­ing the beau­ty and art of nature and nat­ur­al forms. This con­cept is inspired by the intri­ca­cy of del­i­cate rock for­ma­tions and fos­sils, explored through a mono­chrome palette of this sea­sons fash­ion and acces­sories off­set using intri­cate shapes and com­plex tex­tures jux­ta­posed with lux­u­ri­ous metallics, struc­tured fab­rics and embell­ished accents.

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F‑utility: What the Humble Belt Teaches us About Anti-fashion

For a long time, the belt was, in fact, not fash­ion at all, and — in a world where avant garde has had its way with most — the lone­ly belt sat, coiled, I’d soon­er like to think, as a last bal­last of puri­ty and dwin­dling lamp­light of ‘seri­ous­ness’. Yet, fash­ion and its cul­ture has, in recent years, made so intent its feud with func­tion­al­i­ty and beau­ty that, it may come as no great shock, the belt’s coiled peace was to be perturbed.

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