
Open­ing image, Left: Met­al Mask with Swarovs­ki Crys­tals Dis­co-caine
Right: Bell arm Gloves Tim van Steen­ber­gen avail­able at NACHBARIN

Left: Bell arm Gloves Tim van Steen­ber­gen avail­able at NACHBARIN
Right: Met­al Mask with Swarovs­ki Crys­tals Dis­co-caine
Left: Met­al Col­lier with Swarovs­ki Crys­tals Dis­co-caine
Right: Embell­ished evening gown with slits and cutouts Bal­main Cou­ture avail­able at Popp & Kretschmer
Black plis­sé Jump­suit Wan­da Nylon avail­able at NACHBARIN
Left: Black plis­sé Jump­suit Wan­da Nylon avail­able at NACHBARIN
Right: Hand embroi­dered Face Mask Sas­sa Ann van Wyk
Sheer black dress BYBOLOT boots Unit­ed Nude x Iris Van Her­pen
Veil Sas­sa Ann van Wyk gloves Styl­ist’s own
Embell­ished evening gown with slits and cutouts Bal­main Cou­ture avail­able at Popp & Kretschmer
Left: Black plis­sé Jump­suit Wan­da Nylon avail­able at NACHBARIN
Right: Hand embroi­dered Face Mask Sas­sa Ann van Wyk
Left: Black plis­sé Jump­suit Wan­da Nylon avail­able at NACHBARIN
Right: Met­al Col­lier with Swarovs­ki Crys­tals Dis­co-caine
Met­al Col­lier with Swarovs­ki Crys­tals Dis­co-caine

Mod­el Lotte at Stel­la Mod­els
Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Hilde van Mas at Vizard Lon­don & PPM Foto­pro­duk­tion & Stu­dio
Styl­ist Jon-Eric Hege­mann at Stel­la Tal­ents
Hair & Make­up Jody Cuber­li using Dior Make­up & I.C.O.N. Prod­ucts
Loca­tion F6 The Open Fac­to­ry
Pho­tog­ra­phy Assis­tant Flo­ra Mayrhofer
Styling Assis­tant Vrin­da Jelinek