5 Fashion Houses that Dominated the Beauty Game at SS24 Couture Week

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor  Eve Fitz­patrick

Paris SS24 Cou­ture Week has come to a close, and what bet­ter place to get beau­ty inspi­ra­tion from than some of the most cre­ative cat­walks of the year. 

Jean Paul Gaultier

Inspired by the full face looks that typ­i­cal­ly dom­i­nate Jean Paul Gaultier’s cou­ture run­ways, design­er Simone Rocha has added her per­son­al touch through an abun­dance of face gems, with the help of the bril­liant make-up artist Thomas de Kluyver. With an ele­gant, roman­tic edge, Rocha has suc­cess­ful­ly merged the fem­i­nine, whim­si­cal tone of her own brand to Gaultier’s clas­si­cal and play­ful provoca­tive­ness. Whether you want to go all out embell­ish­ment or use the inspi­ra­tion for a toned-down spark­ly look, here’s the prod­ucts to use.

Recre­ate the look:


The clean girl aes­thet­ic is clear­ly not going any­where in 2024, as Schi­a­par­el­li are keep­ing it going with the slicked back hair and dewy bronzed skin. Creamy bronz­er and bleached brows cre­ate a sim­plis­tic yet strong look, high­light­ing the nat­ur­al def­i­n­i­tion of the face. The show­stop­ping beau­ty moment was the bedaz­zled ear. Care­ful­ly con­struct­ed by Pat McGrath and com­plete­ly jux­ta­pos­ing the effort­less­ness of the rest of the make­up in true Schi­a­par­el­li style, where chic sophis­ti­ca­tion meets abstract design.

Recre­ate the look:

Maison Margiela

John Gal­liano made good use of his icon­ic beau­ty looks when craft­ing his Cou­ture col­lec­tion for Mai­son Margeila. Cre­at­ed by the amaz­ing Pat McGrath, the the­atri­cal, roman­tic fan­ta­sy world of John Gal­liano was brought to life. Porce­lain doll dewy skin, thin drawn on eye­brows and peach toned cheeks are the key ways to achieve Galliano’s vision.

Recre­ate the look:


Berry tones are clear­ly not just for Christ­mas. We love a sea­son-less trend as it can be recre­at­ed with items we already own. Vir­ginie Viard clear­ly agrees, as mod­els were sent down the run­way with berry tint­ed cheeks and lips, per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ing a fem­i­nine and ethe­re­al collection.

Recre­ate the look:

Christian Dior

Smoky Kohl eye­lin­er was the sta­ple beau­ty look at the Dior Cou­ture show. Maria Grazia Chuir­i’s seem­ing­ly min­i­mal­ist col­lec­tion was per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ed with an also sim­plis­tic yet strong smoky under eye. This clev­er­ly added a touch of moder­ni­ty to an oth­er­wise opu­lent show.

Recre­ate the look: