Entering the Year of the Dragon

Words Adele Cany

As we approach the immi­nent Year of the Drag­on, beau­ty brands are ush­er­ing in the cel­e­bra­tion with aus­pi­cious col­lec­tions fea­tur­ing vibrant colours and sym­bol­ic ele­ments. 

From lim­it­ed edi­tion releas­es adorned with drag­on designs to opu­lent sets, here are eight picks to infuse your fes­tive sea­son with an extra dose of glam­our and good fortune.

LAURA MERCIER Mini Rose­Glow Caviar
A lim­it­ed-edi­tion mini size duo of curat­ed shades of Lau­ra Mercier’s icon­ic Caviar Stick Eye Colour, includ­ing: Wild Rose and Bed of Ros­es.

Ver­sa­tile cream eye­shad­ow stick deliv­ers effort­less appli­ca­tion, build­able colour and up to 12-hour wear. Pig­ment-rich shades in creamy shim­mer and mat­te fin­ish­es are crease and trans­fer-resis­tant. Smudge, blend, define. Don’t be afraid to be play­ful! Lay­ers with oth­er eye­shad­ows, includ­ing powder.

SISLEY PARIS Eau Du Soir Eau de Par­fum
The palace gar­dens of Alcázar in Seville inspire Sis­ley’s roman­tic ‘Eau du Soir’ eau de par­fum — notes of Grape­fruit, Man­darin, Rose and Ylang Ylang are warmed with Amber and Patchouli. It’s worth snap­ping up for the bot­tle alone, topped exquis­ite­ly with a molten gold stop­per by con­tem­po­rary artist, Bro­nis­law Krzysztof.


Aēsop Eidesis 
This fra­grance fea­tures aquat­ic and flo­ral notes along­side notes of petit­grain, black pep­per, ambery frank­in­cense, spicy cumin, cedar, san­dal­wood and vetivert. Impart­ing both a sense of famil­iar­i­ty and dis­ori­en­ta­tion, this uni­sex per­son­al fra­grance has been designed for wear by all. 

Aēsop Lucent Facial Con­cen­trate
A light­weight lay­er­ing serum which has fast become an icon­ic prod­uct with­in the brand’s port­fo­lio. Rich in Vit­a­min C, Lucent replen­ish­es, hydrates and bal­ances with its com­plex blend of mois­tur­is­ing, con­di­tion­ing and skin sup­port­ive ingredients.

Jo Mal­one Lon­don Red Hibis­cus Cologne Intense
A chance encounter with a rare and vivid flower in a trop­i­cal for­est. Notes of strik­ing red hibis­cus are com­ple­ment­ed by a touch of jas­mine sam­bac and the sen­su­al­i­ty of vanil­la. Solar and exotic.

Chante­caille Year of the Drag­on Bio Lift­ing Serum+ & Lip Chic
Chante­caille, known for its botan­i­cal skin­care and cos­met­ics, has intro­duced two prod­ucts in hon­or of the Year of the Drag­on. The Bio Lift­ing Serum+ is designed to vis­i­bly dimin­ish wrin­kles and ele­vate your com­plex­ion, offer­ing a reju­ve­nat­ing effect. Com­ple­ment­ing this, the Lip Chic in Red Juniper adds a fin­ish­ing touch to your look with its light­weight tex­ture and vibrant hue.