JU-NNA Autumn/Winter 2024

JU-NNA, the Japan­ese-British wom­enswear brand, con­tin­ues to recon­tex­tu­alise tra­di­tion­al craft. The Autumn Win­ter 2024 col­lec­tion debuted on the 18th of Feb­ru­ary, draw­ing inspi­ra­tion from Japan­ese street pho­tog­ra­phy doc­u­ment­ing drunk and exhaust­ed work­ers sprawled across Tokyo’s streets. This season’s col­lec­tion delves into the dichoto­my of exhaus­tion and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. The run­way comes alive with pieces that seam­less­ly blend ele­ments of weari­ness with a dis­tinct sense of purpose.

The colour palette, care­ful­ly curat­ed from the city land­scapes of our nar­ra­tive, aims to blend indi­vid­u­als into the monot­o­nous greys. From the twist­ed and fold­ed tai­lor­ing to the play­ful yet undone aes­thet­ic, each gar­ment is embed­ded with the jux­ta­pos­ing nar­ra­tive of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and exhaustion.

Fab­rics range from Shi­bori-dyed silk jer­sey to tra­di­tion­al wool coats, an ease of mix­ing moder­ni­ty and tra­di­tion. Stain­less steel tie pins are uti­lized as embell­ish­ments, fem­i­niz­ing clas­si­cal­ly mas­cu­line acces­sories. Empha­sized and ver­ti­cal diag­o­nal lines are used to cre­ate the harsh lines seen in cor­po­rate architecture.

Shi­bori tech­niques are employed, cre­at­ing irreg­u­lar drapes and unique tex­tures that chal­lenge con­ven­tion­al struc­tures. Blaz­ers pay homage to the unkempt and scrunched suits of the mus­es, with padded shoul­ders evok­ing the essence of work­wear while sub­vert­ing ideas of the tra­di­tion­al pow­er suit through drape.

See the full col­lec­tion below:

Hair Direc­tion Masashi Kon­no
Make­up Direc­tion Laisum Fung
Styling Myles Mansfield
Jew­ellery Karthur Builds
Art Direc­tion Edie Flana­gan
Sound Design Xavier LaCroix
Pho­tog­ra­phy Maja Smiejkows­ka/Chris Yates Media