Larger Than Life

Open­ing image: Two piece A‑Jane neck­lace vintage

Bow Agne Kuzmick­aite ear­rings Bey­ong Retro
Shirt A-Jane gloves Malan Bre­ton
dress Rotate Birg­er Chris­tensen gloves Malan Bre­ton ear­rings Zara

See more of this sto­ry in Issue #001 avail­able here.

Mod­el Mil­ly Sim­monds at Mod­els 1
Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Andrew Kim­ber
Stly­ist David James Cochrane & Leah Rose
Hair and cus­tom made wigs Kieron Lavine at Nylon Artists using Antonin B
Make­up Sam Las­celle using Char­lotte Tilbury and Patchol­o­gy
Pho­tog­ra­ph­er assis­tant Fer­ran Verges
Hair assis­tant Nico­la Svensen