Less is More

Open­ing image Sun­ny Ng
Words Lil­ly Delmage

We asked med­ical aes­theti­cian, skin­care expert and founder of AM Aes­thet­ics, Alexan­dra Mills-Haq, all about her pas­sion for deliv­er­ing nat­ur­al results for clients.

Start­ing her offi­cial career in med­ical aes­thet­ics in 2007, Alexan­dra has an impres­sive 20 years of rel­e­vant expe­ri­ence to her name. The award-win­ning aes­thet­ics expert has since built an incred­i­bly suc­cess­ful skin­care empire, aid­ing her clients in becom­ing “the best ver­sion of themselves”. 

Despite always hav­ing a keen inter­est in skin and beau­ty, large­ly inspired by her beau­ty and fash­ion enthu­si­ast sis­ters, her fun­da­men­tal dri­ve stems from the life-chang­ing impacts the indus­try can have.

“What real­ly sparked my pas­sion for med­ical aes­thet­ics is when I met peo­ple with bad scar­ring fol­low­ing acne or oth­er skin con­di­tions, or indeed can­cer or acci­dents. Help­ing these peo­ple moti­vates me dai­ly,” Alexan­dra revealed.

While the beau­ty expert acknowl­edges she worked extreme­ly hard to make her­self com­pe­tent in her field, equip­ping her­self with the skills nec­es­sary to thrive, it was her gen­uine desire to make clients more com­fort­able in their own skin which she believes real­ly drove her successes.

“I believe it is my gen­uine care, pas­sion and empa­thy to help oth­ers that help grow my busi­ness the most,” said Alexan­dra. “What I had in abun­dance was a pas­sion to help oth­ers and a pas­sion for edu­ca­tion. I enjoy work­ing with peo­ple and can empathise eas­i­ly with oth­ers, so I guess my busi­ness was real­ly built on rela­tion­ships, as well as trust, integri­ty, and competence.”

Alexandra’s well-inten­tioned, client-first busi­ness goals nat­u­ral­ly align with her ‘less is more’ approach when offer­ing treatments.

“Less is more has become very vogue now but is always some­thing I have strived to achieve for my patients,” states the beau­ty expert. “As a prac­ti­tion­er, I have a duty of care to my patients to always act in their best inter­ests, there­fore it would nev­er be deemed appro­pri­ate to over­ly enhance or car­ry out treat­ments for the sake of it. Healthy skin should always be at the heart of any treat­ment plan, along­side patient education.”

“Patients don’t want to look 20 years younger, just the best they can for the decade that they’re in. Under­stand­ing that patients don’t want any­one to notice that they’ve had treat­ments but want­i­ng them to notice they look well is key and has served me very well. Peo­ple are real­is­ing there’s a lot of good work out there that is sub­tle and well done.”

It is no secret that soci­ety is extreme­ly appear­ance-ori­en­tat­ed, and the con­tro­ver­sies sur­round­ing cos­met­ic treat­ments are wide­ly debat­ed. There’s been a par­tic­u­lar focus on pub­lic fig­ures with influ­ence who have cos­met­ic enhance­ments, but neglect to acknowl­edge it. We asked Alexan­dra her thoughts…

“Each to their own I guess… but what I don’t like is pub­lic fig­ures say­ing [their changes in appear­ance] are due to drink­ing green juice etc. There needs to be more trans­paren­cy between those in the pub­lic eye and their fans”.

Though, Alexan­dra holds an opti­mistic view for the future of nat­ur­al aes­thet­ics, men­tion­ing the rise of pro-aging role mod­els. She also exclaimed, “There def­i­nite­ly seems to be a demand for more nat­ur­al type of treat­ments and enhance­ment which is music to my ears. The intro­duc­tion of regen­er­a­tive type treat­ments such as polynu­cleotides and exo­somes wel­come an excit­ing time for aes­thet­ic medicine”.