Love at First Swipe

Words Adele Cany

Whether cel­e­brat­ing Feb­ru­ary 14th with a sig­nif­i­cant oth­er, your clos­est friends, or enjoy­ing some per­son­al time, receiv­ing one of the finest Valen­tine’s Day beau­ty gifts can add a spe­cial touch to the occa­sion. For those who pre­fer a sub­tler expres­sion of affec­tion this Valen­tine’s Day, we’ve found a range of Cupid-inspired gifts.

MERIT Lip­stick
The forth­com­ing lim­it­ed edi­tion lip­stick set for release on Feb­ru­ary 15th boasts the per­fect shade of mat­te red

BIO SCULPTURE African Sun­set Col­lec­tion
A beau­ti­ful addi­tion to a col­lec­tion inspired by the vibrant hues of Africa, serves as the ide­al choice for those in-between gel man­i­cures. Its nat­ur­al for­mu­la­tion is gen­tle and nur­tur­ing, ensur­ing the well-being of your nails.

Jo Mal­one Lon­don Red Hibis­cus Cologne Intense
A chance encounter with a rare and vivid flower in a trop­i­cal for­est. Notes of strik­ing red hibis­cus are com­ple­ment­ed by a touch of jas­mine sam­bac and the sen­su­al­i­ty of vanil­la. Solar and exotic.

fjör Hydrolyt­ic Serum + Mois­tur­iz­er
The world’s first Hydrolyt­ic skin­care brand fjör pro­vides long-last­ing hydra­tion and micro­bio­me rebal­anc­ing for all skin types while sup­port­ing the skin’s nat­ur­al barrier. 

AERIN BEAUTY Large Gold-Tone Hair­brush
AERIN Beau­ty’s cush­ioned pad­dle brush has been hand­craft­ed in Italy and tipped with gold-tone bris­tles that gen­tly detan­gle and smooth hair. We love the retro glam­our it adds to any vanity.

Hour­glass Veg­an Brush Trav­el Set
Hour­glass’ brush­es are trust­ed by artists and pro­fes­sion­als who keep them pride of place in their kits. Prized for its dense­ly packed and ultra soft Tak­lon bris­tles, this set is com­plete with weight­ed metal­lic han­dles to ensure flaw­less, con­trolled appli­ca­tion and swift and easy cor­rect­ing. It comes neat­ly organ­ised in a con­ve­nient faux leather trav­el case.

Cell­re­turn Crys­tal God­dess Face Mask
Angela Cagli­a’s ‘God­dess’ face mask is made up of over 500 rose quartz beads, each cut and pol­ished by hand. Believed to pro­mote self-love and beau­ty, the nat­u­ral­ly cool­ing stone encour­ages lym­phat­ic drainage, helps calm inflam­ma­tion and increas­es blood flow.

Sturm Glow Drops
Revi­tal­ize tired, dull skin and restore radi­ance leav­ing you with a nat­ur­al, healthy #Stur­m­Glow when­ev­er you need it. Poly­gon­um Bis­tor­ta Root is a potent anti-aging ingre­di­ent which opti­mizes skin tone, while Wild Rose Extract refines pores giv­ing the com­plex­ion a more even appear­ance. Purslane, whose chem­istry boasts high Vit­a­min lev­els and Omega 3 Fat­ty Acids, reduces the vis­i­ble signs of irri­ta­tion. Dr. Sturm’s pro­pri­etary blend­ed for­mu­la­tion of low and high weight­ed Hyaluron­ic Acid mol­e­cules binds mois­ture and replen­ish­es inter­nal mol­e­c­u­lar lev­els, pro­vid­ing a hydrat­ing and plump­ing effect while also sup­port­ing the skins nat­ur­al bar­ri­er function.