Molly Goddard Autumn/Winter 2024

Words Adele Cany

We start each sea­son with an exper­i­men­tal fit­ting — vin­tage pieces, archived sam­ples, and toiles
from pre­vi­ous col­lec­tions. There is rarely a sin­gle con­cept, but a visu­al pat­tern emerges.

This sea­son: Shapes on top of shapes; gar­ments combining—pulling in, push­ing out, smush­ing.
Match­ing tex­tures, blobs on blobs, two become one.

1960s Cristo­bal Balen­ci­a­ga and Chris­t­ian Dior gowns—elasticated, rather than corset­ed, for
a mod­ern wear­er. Abstract­ed sil­hou­ettes. Blurred edges. Curved seams. Bub­bles. Loops. Fuzz.

EBay watch­list. Blown up kids’ cow­girl dress­es. Soft­ened cow­boy boots. Trompe-l’œil knits.
Flat­ness and thick­ness. Draw­strings. Out­doorsy evening bags—functional and beautiful.

See the full col­lec­tion below: