On|Off Presents Autumn/Winter 2020

House of SheldonHall

House of Shel­don­Hall are Steven Shel­don and Emma Hall.

House of Shel­don­Hall com­bines exper­i­men­tal tex­tiles, appli­ca­tion and inno­v­a­tive pat­tern cut­ting tech­niques to pro­duce fash­ion unlike any oth­er. British eccen­tric­i­ty at its best. One off pieces designed, hand-paint­ed, embroi­dered and hand-made in York­shire. The SheldonHall’s women is brave, liv­ing out fan­ta­sy through fashion.

Pieces request­ed by the likes of British VOGUE, Nicole Kid­man, Katie Grand, Tatler, Lady Gaga, RuPaul’s Drag Race roy­al­ty Valenti­na, and the duo’s mourn­ing gown was cov­et­ed by The divine Miss Fame, for the open­ing gala of Tim Walk­er’s recent ‘Won­der­ful Things’ exhi­bi­tion at the V&A; the design duo have proven a gen­uine demand for their style. 


IYA​₦​U is a Lon­don based Tex­tile design­er and a walk­ing per­son­i­fi­ca­tion of her work. Who cel­e­brates trans-cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty, effort­less­ly fus­ing her Niger­ian roots with a British upbringing.

Col­lec­tions piv­ot around graph­ics, com­po­si­tion and colour, cre­at­ing a unique iden­ti­fi­able sig­na­ture, whether print, knit, pho­tog­ra­phy or illustration.

After suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ing a BA in Tex­tiles in 2013, she was select­ed for The Cass School of Art & Design post­grad­u­ate schol­ar­ship where she com­plet­ed a Mas­ters in Fash­ion & Tex­tiles. In Novem­ber 2018, IYA₦U debuted her fash­ion col­lec­tion ‘YOUTH’ in Lagos, Nigeria.

Yan Dengyu

After afford­ing a BA in archi­tec­tur­al design, Yan Dengyu went on to grad­u­ate from Glas­gow School of Art with a Mas­ters degree in Fash­ion and Tex­tiles. Dur­ing this time, he con­sol­i­dat­ed skills in cut­ting and drap­ing. His lust for pat­tern, exag­ger­at­ed struc­tures and vol­ume is present in all that he does. For Dengyu, fash­ion is per­for­mance, an art-form: his is the­atri­cal, metaphor­i­cal and  futuristic.

404 Studio

404 Stu­dio is an emerg­ing fash­ion brand based in Spain. Seek­ing unique­ness, through the rein­ven­tion of tra­di­tion and con­tem­po­rary vision in design and pro­duc­tion of high qual­i­ty craft­ed knitwear gar­ments. Film is the inspiration.

Since its incep­tion in 2017, 404 Stu­dio has pre­sent­ed col­lec­tions in Soho House (Barcelona), Silen­cio (París) and MBFW Madrid and has dressed nation­al and inter­na­tion­al artists, Dua Lipa, Mala Rodriguez, Paco León and Miran­da Makaroff to name one or two.

404 Stu­dio has been hailed one of Spain’s top 20 fash­ion labels, for it’s inter­na­tion­al efforts and unique, play­ful outlook.


Estab­lished in Hong Kong, 2014 with the aim of cre­at­ing diver­si­ty and edgy fash­ion must-haves for the new mil­len­ni­al audi­ence, ZAFUL is now gen­er­at­ing over 33 mil­lion active users month­ly and is ship­ping to 260 coun­tries and dis­tricts. Com­pris­ing wom­enswear, menswear, acces­sories and beach wear.

With its Euro­pean head on ZAFUL now looks to har­ness a new audi­ence. For Autumn Win­ter 20, ZAFUL join’s forces with Cre­ative Direc­tor, Atip Wana­nu­ruks, for a spe­cial cap­sule col­lec­tion, which embraces the Gen‑Z love of dig­i­tal cre­ativ­i­ty, but with a nod to ZAFUL’s vibrant past. This col­lec­tion will debut at On|Off this season.