OVERDUE #006 ‘Family’: ‘Rooted in Love’

“This project, cre­at­ed for OVERDUE Mag­a­zine, revolves around the essence of fam­i­ly. It all began with a stroll down mem­o­ry lane, rem­i­nisc­ing about those cher­ished fam­i­ly vaca­tions from my child­hood. As I gazed at old fam­i­ly pho­tos, I found myself won­der­ing what I val­ued and cher­ished dur­ing those moments.⁠ ⁠ This intro­spec­tion inspired me to con­vey the beau­ty of fam­i­ly time through the lens of a child, par­tic­u­lar­ly my younger self. It was a heart­warm­ing expe­ri­ence to cast a gen­uine fam­i­ly — Emma Breschi, Ele­na Breschi, and Grand­ma aka Tere­si­ta — who embraced the project with open hearts. Their sto­ries about fam­i­ly hol­i­days and time spent togeth­er added a lay­er of gen­uine warmth and authen­tic­i­ty to my vision. ⁠A mas­sive thank you to every­one involved in bring­ing this to life. Real­ly takes a vil­lage to make these things hap­pen.”

- Ben­jamin Madg­wick ⁠

Tal­ent Emma Breschi Ele­na Breschi
Agent Chap­ter Man­age­ment
Pho­tog­ra­phy & Direc­tor Ben­jamin Madg­wick ⁠
DOP / Co-Direc­tion Cru­soe West­on at DRIFT
Agent Laird and Good Company
Syn­di­ca­tion AUGUST⁠⁠
Styling Simone Konu ⁠
Agent ONE Rep­re­sents
Make Up Marie Bruce
Hair Dora Rober­tiat Saint Luke Artists
Set & Styling Jac­ki Castelli
Cast­ing Emma Som­per
Agent Gary Rep­re­sents
Pro­duc­er 404_emily_in_london
Pro­duc­tion Assis­tant Geor­gia Staples_
Pro­duc­tion Assis­tant Jame Alex⁠
Pro­duc­tion The Pro­duc­tion Factory
Lighit­ng Assis­tants Jed Barnes ⁠
Dig­i­tal Oper­a­tor Bri­an Cleaver
Styl­ist Assis­tant Matthew Duffy
Sound Recordist Glen Travis
Sound Design Alex Parish
Colourist Mike Keel­in