“This project, created for OVERDUE Magazine, revolves around the essence of family. It all began with a stroll down memory lane, reminiscing about those cherished family vacations from my childhood. As I gazed at old family photos, I found myself wondering what I valued and cherished during those moments. This introspection inspired me to convey the beauty of family time through the lens of a child, particularly my younger self. It was a heartwarming experience to cast a genuine family — Emma Breschi, Elena Breschi, and Grandma aka Teresita — who embraced the project with open hearts. Their stories about family holidays and time spent together added a layer of genuine warmth and authenticity to my vision. A massive thank you to everyone involved in bringing this to life. Really takes a village to make these things happen.”
- Benjamin Madgwick
Talent Emma Breschi Elena Breschi
Agent Chapter Management
Photography & Director Benjamin Madgwick
DOP / Co-Direction Crusoe Weston at DRIFT
Agent Laird and Good Company
Syndication AUGUST
Styling Simone Konu
Agent ONE Represents
Make Up Marie Bruce
Hair Dora Roberti at Saint Luke Artists
Set & Styling Jacki Castelli
Casting Emma Somper
Agent Gary Represents
Producer 404_emily_in_london
Production Assistant Georgia Staples_
Production Assistant Jame Alex
Production The Production Factory
Lighitng Assistants Jed Barnes
Digital Operator Brian Cleaver
Stylist Assistant Matthew Duffy
Sound Recordist Glen Travis
Sound Design Alex Parish
Colourist Mike Keelin