Sandy Liang’s AW24 Collection Nods to the Noughties

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor Eve Fitz­patrick

Open­ing Image @stolenbesos

Show­cas­ing anoth­er stun­ning col­lec­tion to add to Sandy Liang’s col­lec­tion at New York Fash­ion Week, the design­er has kept true to her brand’s charm­ing fem­i­nine style, whilst incor­po­rat­ing a sub­tle touch of the noughties. Here’s a break­down of how she did it:

Skirts Over Trousers

Lay­er­ing a skirt over a pair of trousers was an unques­tion­able attribute of noughties fashion.

Millennial’s will remem­ber this being Ash­ley Tisdale’s go to red car­pet look and no doubt tried to repli­cate it them­selves. Keep­ing true to the Sandy Liang style with exquis­ite tai­lor­ing and pleats, the design­er has reworked the trend, adding a chic and sophis­ti­cat­ed touch to this unusu­al lay­er­ing strategy.

Noughties Party Dress

From Paris Hilton at the 2003 Teen Choice Awards, to Sarah Jes­si­ca Park­er in Sex and the City, the noughties dress was worn by every it girl through the decade. The attrib­ut­es of a noughties par­ty dress often include ruf­fles, an asym­met­ric neck­line, a body­con fit and a zig-zag hem­line. Sandy Liang has made this noughties trend her own by adding bows and a cor­sage, both firm sta­ples to her brand.

Low Waist

Waist­lines were low dur­ing the noughties. A trend bor­rowed from the nineties yet firm­ly cement­ed in the decade thanks to pop stars like Brit­ney and Bey­once, as well as the need to show off the tramp stamp. Sandy Liang has imple­ment­ed this trend to her AW24 col­lec­tion a touch classier than we wit­nessed it to be in Y2K, as the min­i­mal­ist tai­lor­ing and colour pal­let aligns per­fect­ly with the design­ers more whim­si­cal, fem­i­nine style.