Spring Nights

Open­ing image: Dress and Bag, Hai

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor Eve Fitz­patrick

Ethe­re­al ele­gance with a pop of colour is the go-to for­mu­la for dressy occa­sions this Spring. Here we present a care­ful­ly craft­ed selec­tion of good­ies from the SS24 col­lec­tions, demon­strat­ing the per­fect ways to add a touch of new­ness to your looks with­out need­ing to invest in trend-led items that will be at the bot­tom of your wardrobes in years to come. Take the Simone Rocha Valen­tine Bag, a time­less piece that will undoubt­ed­ly become a col­lec­tor’s item as the brand con­tin­ues to cre­ate mag­ic. If a small­er invest­ment is what you’re after, the elec­tric blues in Chanel Beau­ty’s Spring col­lec­tion will add vibrance and char­ac­ter paired with an ele­gant look. 

Dress Eudon Choi
Make-up Chanel

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Andrew Kim­ber
Styl­ist and Art Direc­tor Eve Fitz­patrick
Make-up Artist Chi­haru Wak­abayashi
Mod­el Kuany @ Sto­ry Mod­el Man­age­ment
Cast­ing Direc­tor Eliz­a­beth Miles
Pho­tog­ra­pher’s Assis­tant Mar­i­an­na Nadolska