Luxe Gifts to Dazzle this Christmas

Beau­ty Edi­tor Adele Cany
Open­ing image Celine Lip­stick Neck­lace in Beau­ty Kits Trio.canvas £420
Lip­stick Pouch in Beau­ty Kits Trio.can.&Calf. £235
Lip­stick Tube in Beau­ty Kits Trio.canvas £325

Whether you’re spoil­ing a loved one or curat­ing your own wish list, this guide is here to ensure every gift under the tree is an unfor­get­table expres­sion of lux­u­ry and joy. From opu­lent acces­sories that light up the room like the star atop the tree to state­ment self-care prod­ucts that rede­fine what fes­tive flair is, this guide is your ulti­mate com­pan­ion for a cosy but lux­u­ri­ous Christmas. 

1511 Venus 0o Nep­tune £1200

Jo Loves Mul­ti-Selec­tion
Jo Loves A Fra­grance Crack­er £35

Jo by Jo Loves, A Bauble £45
Jo Loves Can­dle £90

Lashed & Lumi­nous Gift Set £25
Icon­ic Lon­don Best­selling Triple threat Mas­cara £22
Icon­ic Lon­don Lit & Lumi­nous Baked High­light­ing Pow­der £25

A Dip­tyque Set of 3 small hol­i­day can­dles
Sapin (Pine Tree), Frian­dise (Sweet Treat), Étoile (Star)

1511 brass cap­sule 30ml brass cap­sule with 30ml refill £380

Make-up Trio for A Glow­ing Com­plex­ion Ocean­ly Hap­py Berry Set £60

Mon­pure Heal and Ener­gise Jade Comb £39
Mon­pure Style and Pro­tect Silk Scrunchie Trio £23.50

Joon­byrd Guilty Trea­sure Chest £402

Ilapothe­cary selec­tion Beat the Blues Set £68

Plat­inum Wave Incense sticks hold­er £85

Pho­tog­ra­phy Andrew Kim­ber
Beau­ty Edi­tor Adele Cany
Assis­tant Mar­i­ana Prachařová