Theatrical Beauty Takes Over at Marni SS25

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor, Eve Fitz­patrick

Design­er Francesco Ris­so leant into the pow­er of beau­ty to enhance the the­atrics and per­son­al­i­ty behind his SS25 col­lec­tion for Marni. With pow­er­ful­ly arched eye­brows, the look takes the 00s thin eye­brow trend to new heights, cre­at­ing an ethe­re­al, oth­er­world­ly feel.

Fash­ion shows run deep­er than the con­tents of the col­lec­tion, and beau­ty (as exe­cut­ed per­fect­ly by the vision of Ris­so) is a tool to exe­cute the artistry behind the mean­ing of the col­lec­tion, to cre­ate a world as envi­sioned by the design­er. I would for one like to vis­it the world of Mis­soni, with alien like creatures.