These Istituto Marangoni London graduates are making their first steps into the fashion industry

Imagery cour­tesy of Vian­net Le Caer
Open­ing image: Tara Adineh, Design­er of The Year

Words Leelou Reboh

Fash­ion schools are incu­ba­tors for tal­ent, and final year shows are the last step in the jour­ney stu­dents under­go in their cre­ative devel­op­ment process. They are a chance to show the world who they are as cre­atives, and they allow young design­ers a first insight into what the fash­ion indus­try has in store for them once they leave the shel­ter­ing walls of their insti­tu­tion. Back in July, Isti­tu­to Marango­ni Lon­don held its inter­ac­tive grad­u­at­ing BA Fash­ion Design run­way show ‘Decod­ed Iden­ti­ties’  at the Frame­less space in Mar­ble Arch, giv­ing the ten select­ed stu­dents the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expand their cre­ative vision beyond their gar­ments, and cre­ate a tru­ly immer­sive expe­ri­ence fus­ing fash­ion and tech­nol­o­gy. The stu­dents were tasked with design­ing six looks for their final col­lec­tion, and were expect­ed to deliv­er works deeply intro­spec­tive of their own sense of iden­ti­ty. “At Isti­tu­to Marango­ni Lon­don, we strive to fos­ter a cul­ture of look­ing for­ward, to embrace new tech­nol­o­gy and ideas and encour­age brave explo­ration from our stu­dents,” explains BA Fash­ion Design Pro­gramme Lead Ste­lios Geros about the aim of the show. 

Through the lens of Vian­net Le Caer, here’s a run­down of every­thing that hap­pened at ‘Decod­ed Identities’.

The Absurd Hero by Tara Adineh

As The Solid Meets The Fluid by Theo Moraes Garcia de Campos

‘It’ Em Girl by Hityshi Dwarkanath

Beauty and Deception by Anneka Taylor

The State of Being Distinct by Punn Viravaidhya

Catharsis by Melania Meleloudi

Written by Nature by Jayna Jain

Wounds of Humanity by Iccha Manav Bajaj

Deux Femme by Supatra Limthanaporn

Somewhere by Peter Therapon Barker-Bennett

Fol­low the grad­u­ates’ jour­ney and stay on top of the lat­est Isti­tu­to Marango­ni Lon­don news via Insta­gram @istitutomarangoni_london.