3 Limited Edition Collaborations to Shop This Autumn

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor, Eve Fitz­patrick

Mulberry X Rejina Pyo

The merg­ing of two fash­ion pow­er­hous­es has result­ed in the cre­ation of wear­able pieces that play with the idea of British design arche­types. Pyo’s time­less design style merges per­fect­ly with the clas­sic Mul­ber­ry brand, and the earthy tones that are appar­ent through­out the col­lec­tion make the pieces wear­able for sea­sons to come. This col­lab­o­ra­tion is only one chap­ter in the Mul­ber­ry Edi­tions series, so keep your eyes peeled for future brand col­lab­o­ra­tions with noto­ri­ous designers.

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Strathberry X Shrimps

Design­er Han­nah Wei­land has made her mark on the Scot­tish based brand, dec­o­rat­ing two of the icon­ic Strath­ber­ry sil­hou­ettes with pearls and flow­ers, true to the Shrimps style. Match­ing card hold­ers are also a must-have part of the col­lec­tion, and as the pieces are lim­it­ed edi­tion, its a no brain­er that every Strath­ber­ry and Shrimps lover need to get their hands on a piece before they’re all gone.

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Gentle Monster X Mugler

Stamp­ing itself firm­ly onto the Gen­tle Mon­sters brand­ing, Mugler has designed two styles of sun­glass­es with an unde­ni­able Mugler sil­hou­ette. From the ampli­fied wide gog­gle shape, to the more toned-down style which wrap firm­ly around the face, both frames hold intense ener­gy and fun.

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