Theatrics and Fantasy Are in Full Force at Harris Reed’s SS25 Show

Open­ing Image, Jason-Lloyd Evans

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor, Eve Fitz­patrick

Har­ris Reed has nev­er been shy of extrav­a­gance, and does­n’t hold back in the SS25 col­lec­tion. Work­ing as always with found mate­ri­als, giv­ing the vin­tage and unused a new found life, Reeds newest col­lec­tion is noth­ing short of artistry.

With bun­ny ears pro­trud­ing from shoul­ders and waist­bands, a pas­tel colour palette and cir­cus style stripes, Har­ris Reed has cre­at­ed a play­ful world that one can only com­pare to won­der­land. Sil­hou­ettes fea­ture exag­ger­at­ed hips and nipped in waists through corsetry, over­sized struc­tured lapels, sculp­tur­al col­lars and crino­lines, to cre­ate archi­tec­tur­al shapes that are con­trast­ed with the flu­id­i­ty of gen­er­ous drap­ery, flow­ing skirts and del­i­cate fab­rics. True to the Har­ris Reed style, the col­lec­tion remains strong and edgy in its sil­hou­ettes and grandeur (a noto­ri­ous aspect of the brand), but with more of an ethe­re­al, soft and whim­si­cal feel than we are per­haps used to see­ing from the brand. 

To com­pli­ment the won­der­land world felt through Har­ris Reed’s designs was the beau­ty craft­ed by none oth­er than Sofia Tilbury. With porce­lain doll lips, 50s twig­gy eye­lash­es, and 90s pale blue and orange eye­shad­ow, the whim­si­cal and ethe­re­al make up per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ed the play­ful collection.

Image, Jason-Lloyd Evans