Design Miami.Paris 2024 : Louis Vuitton’s Artistic Hommage

Words Natal­ie Yuksel

Offi­cial part­ner of Design Miami.Paris 2024, Louis Vuit­ton is cel­e­brat­ing its Objets Nomades Col­lec­tion and the long-stand­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with Estú­dio Cam­pana through a unique exhi­bi­tion at the LV Dream space. Two themes are fea­tured: a cel­e­bra­tion of the work of Estú­dio Cam­pana and the show­cas­ing of a Louis Vuit­ton apartment.

Estú­dio Cam­pana has been col­lab­o­rat­ing with Louis Vuit­ton for over a decade and it is clear that this long­stand­ing affil­i­a­tion has turned into an artis­tic fusion and mutu­al under­stand­ing of cre­ativ­i­ty and qual­i­ty savoir-faire. Hum­ber­to, one part of the Cam­pana broth­ers who formed Estú­dio Cam­pana, explains that “Exam­in­ing one of Louis Vuitton’s first trunks cre­at­ed in the 1850s, I imme­di­ate­ly drew par­al­lels with my cre­ations, espe­cial­ly in terms of inno­va­tion, qual­i­ty and creativity”. 

The bril­liant and rare aspect of this long­stand­ing part­ner­ship is that there is no time con­straint and no com­mand, as such but an idea, which can in the end, organ­i­cal­ly turn into some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent. This cre­ation process is transat­lantic from Paris to São Paulo and back again. 

The fruit’s of these exchanges are har­nessed by Estú­dio Cam­pana through inter­est­ing form, tex­ture and colours.

The exhi­bi­tion show­cas­es a sig­na­ture Louis Vuit­ton inte­ri­or, fea­tur­ing new table art col­lec­tions, the Sig­na­ture sofa and chair designed by Frank Chou and Bin­da arm­chairs by Raw Edges also present are bas­ket cof­fee tables by Zanellato/Borlotto along with oth­er ele­ments evok­ing the Louis Vuit­ton art of living. 

Open­ing image The new Kaléi­do­scope Cab­i­net designed by Estú­dio Campana

Prac­ti­cal information: 

The Louis Vuit­ton Objets Nomades exhi­bi­tion is held at LV Dream, as part of Design Miami.Paris, until the 20 Octo­ber 2024 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Infor­ma­tion and book­ing: LV DREAM | LOUIS VUITTON