
Open­ing image:
Jump­suit Her­mes blaz­er Toga Archives scarf Amber Yi Zheng corset Gyouree Kim

Dress Alber­ta Fer­ret­ti jew­ellery Car­oli­na Hara­ki for Amber Yi Zheng jack­et Amber Yi Zheng shoes Alber­ta Fer­ret­ti
Dress Preen by Thorn­ton Bregazzi jack­et Gyouree Kim flow­ers Car­oli­na Hara­ki for Amber Yi Zheng
Dress Preen by Thorn­ton Bregazzi socks & gloves Simone Rocha flower Car­oli­na Hara­ki for Amber Yi Zheng
Trousers and top Issey Miyake sil­ver cape Alber­ta Fer­ret­ti bra Preen by Thorn­ton Bregazzi shoes Reji­na Pyo
Lace top Preen by Thorn­ton Bregazzi
Black dress Alber­ta Fer­ret­ti red dress Julia San­til­li flow­ers Car­oli­na Hara­ki for Amber Yi Zheng
Gloves Simone Rocha
Lace body Preen by Thorn­ton Bregazzi dress & gloves Cic­cy Lyu

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Andrew Kim­ber
Art Direc­tor Eve Fitz­patrick
Styl­ist Masha Mombel­li
Hair and Make­up Azusa Mat­sumori
Cast­ing Direc­tor Marie Chotard
Mod­el Patri­cia Reina @ The Hive Man­age­ment
Light­ing Assis­tant Luke Hut­son-Fly­nn
Styling Assis­tant Mrun­may­ee Kothawade
Edi­to­r­i­al Assis­tants Bel­la Koop­man, Rhi­an­non Owens