Everything you need to know about the new Chanel No5 Perfume Bottle

Dig­i­tal Fash­ion Edi­tor, Eve Fitz­patrick

Imagery, Cour­tesy of Chanel

In 2016, Olivi­er Polge, Per­fumer for the House of CHANEL, rein­vent­ed N°5 by dis­sect­ing the orig­i­nal for­mu­la and tak­ing hold of each ingre­di­ent to cre­ate a new bal­ance and an ide­al dose of fresh­ness. Now, the icon­ic essence of the House of Chanel has had a revamp.

The new­ly designed pack­ag­ing aligns per­fect­ly with the tones of No5 L’EAU – sim­ple in its sophis­ti­ca­tion. Light and trans­par­ent notes, with daz­zling cit­rus rays, ele­vat­ed by alde­hy­des, with a flo­ral swirl of jas­mine, rose and ylang-ylang, and a dynam­ic touch of vetiv­er and cedar. The new­ly designed bot­tle allows the scent to stand alone, as a per­fect­ly unique yet equal­ly desired mem­ber of the No5 lineup.

The pow­er­ful essence wears a sec­ond skin of glass that embod­ies the secret alche­my between strength and fragili­ty required to cap­ture pass­ing time, and to see it cir­cu­late before it van­ish­es. Round­ed and ethe­re­al in shape and struc­ture, this collector’s bot­tle is a promise of life. It is small, oval and trans­par­ent, resem­bling a peb­ble, or a shaft of light caught in strik­ing sim­plic­i­ty. It is a bot­tle designed to anchor the sen­sa­tion of a nat­ur­al life force. The pow­er of a breath of life clad in glass trans­ports us to a new, ele­vat­ed, height­ened dimen­sion, brim­ming with rap­tur­ous ener­gy. The bot­tle, like its fra­grance, con­veys the urgency of liv­ing. It is an object to take every­where. By hav­ing it with us on the go, it gets under our skin, becom­ing the most pro­found essence of the self.