Catwalk Beauty

OVERDUE select­ed some our favourite make­up looks from AW20 col­lec­tions in New York, Milan and Paris.

Words Natasha Lakic


For Rodart’s “Del­i­cate Vam­pire” look inspired by Winona Ryder in “Drac­u­la” make­up artist James Kaliar­dos kept the skin fresh with sub­tle high­lighs on high points of the face over the oth­er­wise pale and mat­te skin. Blush was applied high on tem­ples and lips were lined with Vel­vet mat­te pencil. 

Recre­ate the fresh skin and deep berry mat­te lip look using the prod­ucts from Nars.

Radi­ant Creamy Con­ceal­er, Nat­ur­al Radi­ant Long­wear Foun­da­tion, Blush: Tempt­ed & Orgas­mX, Star Rock­ing Pre­ci­sion Lip Lin­er, Train Bleu Vel­vet Mat­te Lip Pencil


Ver­sace woman is sexy and androg­y­nous for FW20 and make­up artist Pat McGrath want­ed to cel­e­brate clean skin and bring out the eyes with black-brown pig­ment and false eye­lash­es. Foun­da­tion was kept to min­i­mum and cheeks were flushed with a mix of two lipsticks.

Recre­ate the look by using prod­ucts from the Pat McGrath Labs range

Skin Fetish Con­ceal­er, Skin Fetish Sub­lime Per­fec­tion Foun­da­tion, Mat­te Trance Lip­stick in Femme Bot, Blitz Trance Lip­stick in Skin­sane, Sub­lim­i­nal Palette


“I want­ed to cre­ate some­thing that was bourgeois—and a bit lit­tle crazy” make­up artist Tom Pecheux said of the look he cre­at­ed for Altuzarra. 

Tom achieved this by cre­at­ing the colour­ful graph­ic metal­lic eyes with prod­ucts from MAC cos­met­ics. Out­line the eye on top with a lin­er in winged shape going from lid to the tem­ples, then blend Celebu­tante on inner cor­ners of the eye with a wet brush and fin­ish by adding a gra­di­ent of Emer­ald Cut shad­ow across the wing. Keep eye­brows brushed and the rest of the make­up very minimal.

Dries Van Noten

Inspi­ra­tion for make­up for Dries Van Noten came from Shi­sei­do’s cam­paigns from 70s and 80s con­cep­tu­al­ized by Serge Lutens. Make­up artist Inge Grog­nard used two toned shades of bright colour and applied them across he lid, blend­ing the colour out­wards in a wing type shape. Each look was fin­ished by apply­ing a mat­te stain in either plum, red or black. Recre­ate the look by using Essen­tial­ist Eye Palette in dif­fer­ent shades and Mod­ern Mat­te Pow­der Lip­stick.