Yuhan Wang Autumn/Winter 2020

Intrigued by the rit­u­als of mourn­ing and funer­al cer­e­monies, Yuhan Wang presents an Autumn Win­ter col­lec­tion infused with the beau­ti­ful spir­it of melan­choly. “In the Vic­to­ri­an era, young , strong mind­ed women pre­pared for death in life incor­po­rat­ing sym­bols and black lace in spe­cial occa­sion attire. That fore­sight is invalu­able in cher­ish­ing life in the now,” says Wang.

Wang, who debuted on the Fash­ion East plat­form, is pre­sent­ing her first col­lec­tion as a solo design­er con­sol­i­dat­ing and expand­ing upon the east west fusion, del­i­cate fem­i­nine sen­si­bil­i­ty and time warp Vic­to­ri­an sil­hou­ettes that make up her sig­na­ture. New to her lex­i­con are ‘walk­ing suits’ fea­tur­ing a mid calf fish­tail skirt and a waist­ed jack­et cut in frayed edge flo­ral tapes­try print or reversible fake astrakhan lined gold ham­mered satin. Ele­gant Sun­day best coats in black and blue jacquard with exag­ger­at­ed lapels have a bohemi­an air while black lace is intro­duced in flounced blouses.

Wang’s trade­mark ruched and draped stretch satin dress­es fea­ture the designer’s hand drawn rose­buds along­side a gold­fish and water grass print. “The gold­fish rep­re­sents a pros­per­i­ty and health. Flow­ers rep­re­sent vital­i­ty. I like to abstract my prints so they appear out of focus or not imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­niz­able,” says Wang who also includes a Mon­et-esque water lily motif on a short pile fake fur dress­ing gown coat. Fab­rics span the ready-made and the hand­craft­ed with dec­o­ra­tive appliques made from Chi­nese dead stock cot­ton lace. The refined sil­hou­ettes allow for a real free­dom of move­ment and are set off by Louis heeled fab­ric but­ton boots, pumps and whim­si­cal pearl jewellery.

Yuhan Wang grew up in the sea­port province of Wei­hai, Chi­na and stud­ied fash­ion at Tsinghua Uni­ver­si­ty and trans­ferred to the School of Visu­al Arts in New York where she majored in graph­ic design. A chance meet­ing with stu­dents from Cen­tral St. Mar­tins prompt­ed her to apply to the B.A. course where she received the first run­ner up for the L’Oreal Young Tal­ent Award. Wang fol­lowed with M.A stud­ies and grad­u­at­ed in Spring 2018. The brand can be found at stores includ­ing Dover Street Mar­ket: NYC and LA, Beams: Tokyo and Browns.

PR: Raven
Styling:Yeon You
Art Direc­tion: Ric­car­do
Cast­ing Direc­tor:Madeleine Østlie & Oscar Miles @ AAMO Cast­ing
Make-up:Janell Gea­son using Ave­da
Hair:Jon Rey­man using Ave­da
Nails:Lau­ren Michelle Pires @ D+V Man­age­ment using The Gel­bot­tle Inc
Jew­ellery:Kay Guo
Knits:Elaine Lip
Music:Kiran Kai

With spe­cial thanks to:
Mum, Dad, Sis­ter Wei, Broth­er Ken­ny, Sarah Mow­er, Willie Wal­ters, Anna-Nicole Ziesche, Heather Sproat and Cen­tral Saint Mar­tins fash­ion, 1 Gra­nary, Simon Valer Dac­sef, Honglan Sun, Xinzhuang Wang, Qian­han Liu, Lee Hurst, Lulu Kennedy, Natasha Booth, Raphaelle Moore, Sophie Jew­es, Yas­min Eady, Katie Guyan, Alexan­der Blag­den and Raven Group, Har­ri­et Quick, British Fash­ion Coun­cil and every­one else who has pro­vid­ed invalu­able support. 

Sales appoint­ments:
Yuhan Wang AW20 @ The Alpha­bet show­room,
13 Rue de la Grange Batelière, 75009 Paris
Wednes­day 26th Feb­ru­ary – 4th March 2020, 10am-6pm dai­ly
Sales enquiries: appointments@the-alphabet.co.uk
Press enquiries: info@yuhanwang.com

Pho­to­graphy Chris Yates