DB BERDAN Autumn/Winter 2020

“Scan to escape” merges real­i­ty with dig­i­tal world. Prints con­sist of tech­no­log­i­cal QR codes that are scannable with phones that takes you from one real­i­ty to the oth­er. Into a new dig­i­tal mul­ti­me­dia world that wel­comes new com­ers of the escapees from the apoc­a­lypse once QR code is scanned, see code below.

DB BERDAN are a young and sharp Lon­don based urban lux brand, launched by the matri­ar­chal Turk­ish design­ers Beg Berdan and Deniz Berdan. DB BERDAN social­ly advanced gar­ments embrace every part of post­mod­ern soci­ety is pas­sion­ate and spir­it­ed col­lec­tions of streetwear, with inspi­ra­tion com­ing from social rights move­ments and the under­ground culture.

DB Berdan has worked togeth­er with Turk­ish Den­im Mill ORTA this sea­son to cre­ate some amaz­ing pieces with­in the col­lec­tion too, using eth­i­cal­ly sourced den­ims in aims to cre­ate a more robust den­im ecosys­tem where art (design) meets ethics for new infi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties of den­im today and tomorrow.

Pho­tog­ra­phy Noam Galai/Get­ty Images